
Four Ways Your Office Design is Decreasing Productivity

From small local start-ups to large Fortune 500 companies, we’ve seen a wide range of office environments and plenty of well-intended design mistakes over the past 30 years.

Is your space working hard to ensure your employees are working productively?

If not, we’re here to help.

The following four office design mistakes are some of the most common — and production-zapping — your company might be making right now.

1 — Being a copycat

There’s a big difference between looking to other office spaces for inspiration and chasing the “in” trends of the moment. Open offices outfitted with napping pods and a ping pong table in the conference room may work well for collaborative and trendy start-ups, but could be terrible ideas for your organization’s day-to-day work, especially if your employees need to consistently use the phone in a noisy environment.

Taking your employees’ needs and functions into account and creating a space with your culture in mind, rather than stealing someone else’s, will get your design started off on the right foot.

2 — Being “open” instead of “flexible”

Open offices work for some, but studies and surveys show they lead to lower employee satisfaction and productivity with higher stress and fatigue for others.

Offering a variety of options is a better idea. Give individuals personal workstations to focus on tasks, social spaces for larger collaboration and in-between “thinking rooms” for small-group work and bonding over a project, lunch or conference calls.

3 — Not investing in quality furniture

Cookie-cutter furniture that’s uncomfortable, unappealing, bulky and inconvenient can hamper company growth. Investing in modular pieces promotes versatility and adaptability as needs change and gives a cohesive look to the space’s identity and culture.

Investing in quality, comfortable furnishings will keep your employees productive and feeling appreciated.

4 — Restricting individual expression

Having a completely cohesive design for your office is important to an extent, but encouraging employees to personalize their spaces with desk toys, family photos, knick-knacks and doodads will brighten your building with some personal flare. Make sure employees know they’re welcome to make their area their own — little personal touches go a long way in keeping individuals’ motivation, morale and productivity high.

What sort of environment are you providing your employees? Is it one in which they feel comfortable and actually want to spend time? If not, you might be surprised how much an upgrade of your workspace can improve your team’s work ethic.

Commercial Office Environments has been transforming spaces from unworkable to unbelievable for more than 30 years with a proven reputation for delivering customized, functional and flexible environments that reflect culture, increase efficiency, cultivate creativity and promote productivity.

Contact our team and let us start designing the perfect solutions for you and your employees.